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Found 612 matching categories

Main categories
Exhibitions, meetings, fairs
Baths, guest trade, circus, zoo
Banking, insurance, lottery, trading stamp posters
Office, photo, watches, decoration
Firm whole Switzerland
Film posters
Body hygiene and hygiene in generally
Communication, radio, television
Art and culture
Fashion Clothing Textiles Shoes
Music events
Politics elections and voting
Print products Typography Publishing houses
Cleaning washing etc.
School Education Health
Swiss art
Social Security Preventing Environment
Sporting events
Tobacco goods
Theatre meetings
Traffic and energy
Goods and department stores
Live, household, garden
African art
American art
Antique one
Asiatic art
Australian art
Auto, Motorcycle and Bicycle
Balls and dance events
Build and living
Farmer painting
Flowers and plants
Book meetings
Comic Art
Energy generally
European art
Film meetings
Flight and Aviatik
Radio and Television Telephone
Catering trade and cooking
Industry and Technology
Hunt and forestry
Anniversary exhibitions
Arts and crafts
National exhibitions
Military causes
Mode meetings/Fashion shows
Music and musical instruments
Advertisement and propaganda
Religious art and events
Jewels and jewelry
Type and Typography
Swiss art
Sculptures and plastics
Play goods and Toys
Sport exhibitions
South American art
Textiles and carpets
Animals and animal events
General Entertainment / Party Events
Traffic events
Popular art
Water power
Christmas exhibitions
World exhibitions
Health and Wellness / Beach resorts,
Guest trade
Cafés and Tea Rooms
Bars and Restaurants
remaining guest trade
Dancing, Cabaret, Nightclubs and Casinos
Discount brands organization
further financial services
Country Lottery
Lottery Romande
Sport Toto
Lotterys and Toto
Photo and photo article
Office supplies generally
Calculation and typewriters
Office and stationery
Movie cameras
Film material generally
Photo- and video cameras
Jewelery and jewelery shops
Decoration business
Wrist and Pocket Watches
Watches generally
Winding and standing clocks
Alarm clock
Flower celebrations
Federal celebrations
Carnival/Chamfering night
Spring celebrations
Historical celebrations
Canton celebrations
Child celebrations
Art and arts center celebrations
Music celebrations
Singer celebrations
Winegrower celebrations
Anniversaries generally
Mother's day
Valentins day
Fruit juices
Mineral water
Appel juice, Cyder
Grape juice
remaining cold beverages
remaining warm beverages
Mineral water sweeten
Mineral water unsweetened
Medicine and pain means
Crèmes, oils, sun protection
Body hygiene
Mosquito/fly protection
Pain means
Tablets generally
Crèmes generally
Striking and Beauty creams
Sunscreen products
Bathing and Showering
Hair care - Shampoo
Skin care, soaps etc.
Mouth hygiene
Shave and Beard care
further care articles
Wound supply
Mail service generally
Telephone generally
Telephone services
Telephone round saying
Art and culture in the Aargau
Art and culture in the Jura
Art and culture in the Tessin
Art and culture in the Thurgau
Art and culture in the Wallis
Art and culture in Appenzell
Art and culture in Basle
Art and culture in Berne
Art and culture in the Waadt
Art and culture in Freiburg
Art and culture in Geneva
Art and culture in Glarus
Art and culture in the Grison
Art and culture in Lucerne
Art and culture in Neuchâtel
Art and culture in Nid and Obwalden
Art and culture in Schaffhausen
Art and culture in Schwyz
Art and culture in Solothurn
Art and culture in St. Gallen
Art and culture in Uri
Art and culture in Zug
Art and culture in Zurich
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Gewerbemuseum Aarau
Art and culture generally in the Aargau
Art and culture generally in the Tessin
Malpensata Lugano
Musei e Cultura Locarno
Museo cantonale d'arte Lugano
Villa dei Cedri Bellinzona
Fondation Pierre Gianadda Martigny
Art and culture generally in the Wallis
Le Manoir de la Ville Martigny
Musée cantonal Beaux-Arts Sion
Gewerbemuseum Basle
Art and culture generally in Basle
Kunsthalle Basle
Kunstmuseum Basle
Museum fuer Gestaltung Basle
Sport Museum Basle
remaining Museums Basle
Historical Museum Berne
Kornhaus Berne
Art and culture generally in Berne
Kunsthalle Berne
Kunstmuseum Berne
Kunstmuseum Thun
Museum for Communication Berne
Natural History Museum of Bern
Collection de l'Art brut Lausanne
Galleries in the Waadt
Art and culture generally in the Waadt
Maison d'Ailleurs Yverdon
Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts Lausanne
Musée d'art contemporain Pully/Lausanne
Musée de l'Elysée Lausanne
Musée de Pully
Musée des arts décoratifs Lausanne
Musée historique de Lausanne
Musée Jenisch Vevey
Art and culture generally in Freiburg/Fribourg
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire Freibourg
Cabinet of the Estampes Geneva
Art and culture generally in Geneva
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire Geneva
Musée de l'Athenée Geneva
Musée d'Ethnographie Geneva
Musée Rath Geneva
Art and culture generally in Glarus
Kunsthaus Glarus
Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur
Art and culture generally in Grison
Art and culture generally in Lucerne
Art museum Lucerne
Nature museum Lucerne
Verkehrshaus Lucerne
Art and culture generally in Neuchâtel
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire Neuchâtel
Musée des Beaux-Arts Neuchâtel
Musée d'Ethnographie Neuchâtel
Art and culture generally in Schaffhausen
Museum Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen
Art and culture generally in Schwyz
Seedamm Kulturzentrum Pfäffikon
Art and culture generally in Solothurn
Kunstmuseum Olten
Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Art and culture generally in St. Gallen
Kunstmuseum St. Gallen
Art and culture generally in Zug
Kunsthaus Zug
Helmhaus Zurich
Art and culture generally in Zurich
Kunsthaus Zürich
Kunstmuseum Winterthur
Kunstsalon Wolfsberg Zurich
Landesmuseum Zurich
Museum Bellerive Zurich
Museum für Gestaltung Zurich
Museum Rietberg Zurich
Stadthaus Zurich
Strauhof Zurich
further galleries in Zurich
Wohnmuseum Baerengasse Zurich
Autosalon Genève/Geneva
BEA Berne
Comptoir Lausanne
Swiss Industries fair Basle
Olma St. Gallen
Swiss fair Lugano
further Fairs
Zueka Zurich
Zuespa Zurich
Mode Accessory
Professional clothes
Women's fashion generally
Leisure fashion
Men's fashion generally
Hats Headwear
Children's fashion
Fur fashion
Rain protection
Stockings Socks
Textiles generally
Winter fashion
Wool etc.
Work shoes
Women's shoes
Men's shoes
Children's shoes
Shoes generally
Ski shoes
Sport shoes Sneakers
Guest performance
Jazz and Jazz festivals
Junifestwochen Zurich
Classical concerts
further concerts
Lucerne Festival
Operas and Operettas
Operas and operetta remaining Switzerland
Pop music
TML Opera Lausanne
further music meetings
Light music Hits etc.
Folk Music Events
Baking goods, bread
Fish and meat products
Fruits and vegetables
Spices etc.
Basic food
Canned goods
Milk products
Oils and fats
Baby and child food
Soups and added
Cold treatment products
Pet food
other baking goods
Bread upstrokes
Fish products
Meat products
Fruits native
Fruits imports
Spices Aromatics
Dessert creams etc.
Canned goods generally
Canned goods of fruits
Canned goods vegetables
Cheese and Cheese products
Cooking fat
Edible oils
Ice Cream Glaces
Chewing gum
1.Mai celebrations
Political Parties (Switzerland)
Christliche Volkspartei
The Green
Social Democrats
various parties
Print products generally
Publishing houses
Remaining print products
Household cleaning
Cleaning textiles, shoes etc.
Washing-up liquid
Floor cleaning and care
Kitchen and bath cleaning
Disk and glass care
Carpet care
Stain remover etc.
Moth protection
Shoe care and cleaning
Textile care generally
Places, employment agency
Fitness, gymnastic
Addiction Prevention
Professional training
Adult education
Schools generally
Language schools
Social works Switzerland
European assistance
Refugee assistance
For the age
Per Infirmis
Pro Juventute
Per Patria
Red cross
further social works
Winter assistance
Human rights
Food nutrition
Nature generally
Environment organizations
Future generally
Amnesty international
further environment organizations
World Wildlife Fund
Fire prevention
Accident prevention
Crime prevention Police
Ball sports
Engine sports
Olympic games
Equestrian sports/Horse race
Cycle sport
Shooting sports
further Sport events
Gymnastics and swinging
Aquatics events
Winter sports
Automobile racing
Motorcycle racing
Schwingen (Swiss wrestling)
Ice skate
Ski racing
Ski jumping
Whistle tobaccos
Tobacco accessory
Tobacco generally
Theatre in the canton of Aargau
Theatre in the canton ofAppenzell
Theatre in the canton of Jura
Theatre in the canton of Tessin
Theatre in the canton of Thurgau
Theatre in the canton of Wallis
Theatre in the canton of Basle
Theatre in the canton of Berne
Theatre in the canton of Waadt
Theatre in the canton of Freiburg/Fribourg
Theatre in the canton of Geneva
Theatre in the canton of Glarus
Theatre in the canton of Grison
Theatre in the canton of Lucerne
Theatre in the canton of Neuenburg/Neuchâtel
Theatre in Nid and Obwalden
Theatre in the canton of Schaffhausen
Theatre in the canton of Schwyz
Theatre in the canton of Solothurn
Theatre in the canton of St. Gallen
Theatre in the canton of Uri
Theatre in the canton of Zug
Theatre in the canton of Zurich
Basle theatre
Fauteuil Theater Basle
Stadttheater Basle
further theatres in Basle
City theatre Berne
further theatres in Berne
Bernhard Theater
Schauspielhaus Zurich
Stadttheatre Zurich
Theatre 11 Zurich
Theatre at the Hechtplatz
Theatre at the Neumarkt
Theatre at the Winkelwiese
Theatre Spektakel Zurich
further theatres in Zurich
Canton Aargau
Canton Berne
Canton Freibourg
Canton Geneva
Canton Glarus
Canton Grison
Canton Jura
Canton Lucerne
Canton Neuchâtel
Canton Nid and Obwalden
Canton Schaffhausen
Canton Schwyz
Canton Solothurn
Canton St. Gallen
Canton Tessin
Canton Thurgau
Canton Uri
Canton Waadt
Canton Wallis
Canton Zug
Canton Zurich
Cantons of both Appenzell
Cantons both Basle
North America
Aera northeast Switzerland
Aera northwest Switzerland
Aera east Switzerland
Aera Western part of Switzerland (Romandie)
Aera central Switzerland
Switzerland generally
South America
further European countries
Course and train service
public suburban traffic
Traffic, Road
Berne Loetschberg Simplonline
French Railways
German Railways
Gotthard line
Wengernalp and Jungfrau Railway
The golden pass
Rhaetian Railway
Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB - CFF - FSS
further Swiss railways and railway compagnies
Coal, coke
Petroleum products
remaining oil products
Air France
Air India
British Airways
Imperial Airways
further airlines
remaining navigation
Lake Zurich
Alpine post
Car and travel enterprise
Taxi enterprises
further road traffic
Building and building accessories
Flowers and plants
Iron and metal goods
Vehicles and accessories
Industry generally
Interior arrangement
Food trade
Painting and drawing
Fashion business and Shops
Music and Music Instruments
Optics and opticians
Perfumery and Perfumery products
Travel and Travel organizations
Swiss goods
Silver goods
Special stores generally
Mirror and Glassgoods
Toys and toy store
Sport goods
Capet and Carpet goods
Textiles generally
Department stores generally
Plants and vegetables
Plant protection agent
Vehicle accessories
Garages and workshops
Motorcycles and bicycles
Fein Kaller
Modehaus Ober
further mode shops
Shopping centres/Shopping Malls
Magazine zum Globus
Grands Magasins Jelmoli SA
Oscar Weber
further department stores
Living generally
Weed control and pest control
Cutlery and table-ware
Household machines generally
Household goods generally
Sewing machines
Kitchen, bath
British Railways
Overseas navigation
Pilatus Railway
Rigi Railways
Brunig line
Suedost Bahn
Monte Generoso
Furka Oberalp Line
Lac Léman
Lago Maggiore
Politics generally
Theater generally
Art and culture generally
German Politics
Chemins de fer de l'Ouest
Chemins de fer de l'Est
Chemins de fer de l'État
Chemin de fer de Paris à Orléans
PLM - Chemins de fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerran
SNCF - Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français
Chemins de fer du Midi
Chemins de fer Français
Chemin de Fer du Nord
Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits
Great Western Railway
Northern Railway
Southern Railway
LMS - London, Midland and Scottish Railway
British Railway
Mountain railways
Aerial lift - Cableway
Rack railway
Narrow gauge railway
Cable car
Technical type of train
other French railways
other British railways
Deutsche Bundesbahn
ohter German railways
Swiss Railways
Eastern Railways
Russian Propaganda
more ball sport events
Chemins de Fer d'Alsace et de Lorraine
further British Railways
Art and culture in Appenzell generally
Art and Culture in Thurgau generally
Nuclear Energy
Deutsche Lufthansa
Pan American World Airways
Théâtre Kléber-Méleau Renens
Théâtre de Vidy Lausanne
other theatres in Vaud
Théâtre Municipal de Lausanne
Theater Company Willisau
Stadttheater Lucerne
other theatres in Lucerne
further aquatics events
Nordic Skiing
Schloss Arbon
Kunstmuseum des Kantons Thurgau
Schweizerisches Völkerkundesmuseum Basel
Museum für Gegenwartskunst Basel
Kunsthalle Burgdorf
Galerie 57 Biel/Bienne
Kunstsammlung Steffisburg
Galerie de Ballens
Galerie Paul Vallotton Lausanne
Fondation de l'Hermitage Lausanne
other galleries in the Vaud
Galerie Ditesheim Neuchâtel
Galerie Numaga Auvernier
ETH - Eidg. Technische Hochschule Zürich
Italian Railways
FS - Italian Railways
R.M. - Rete Mediterranea
further italian railways
furter austrian railways
Austrian Railways
Lakes of Italy
further international railways and railway companies
K.K. österreichische Staatsbahnen
furtInternational railways and railway companies
Endurance racing
Circuit racing
Vintage car races
further Automobile sports events
24 Heures du Mans
further endurance race
Automobile Club de l'Ouest
1000 Miglia
Rally events
DTM - Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft
ADAC Sportwagen Weltmeisterschaft
Grand Prix motor racing and Formula 1

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Aeschbach Hans
650 Jahre Eidgenossenschaft
Gang, lueg d'Heimet a!

Year: 1941
Condition: A-
CHF 480,-
Aeschbach Hans
Auf in die Schweizer Berge
Bergferien - doppelte Ferien

Year: 1951
Condition: A
CHF 800,-
Aeschbach Hans

Year: 1942
Condition: A
CHF 330,-
Aeschbach Hans

Year: 1942
Condition: A-
CHF 330,-
Aeschbach Hans
Bally Pergola

Year: 1942
Condition: A-
CHF 500,-
Aeschbach Hans
Beglückendes Tun
Klubschule Migros
Alhambra Bern

Year: 1951
Condition: A-
CHF 260,-
Aeschbach Hans
Das Jahr der Schweizer Berge

Year: 1951
Condition: A
CHF 800,-
Aeschbach Hans
Das Jahr der Schweizer Berge

Year: 1951
Condition: A
CHF 800,-
Aeschbach Hans
Das Jahr der Schweizer Berge

Year: 1951
Condition: A
CHF 800,-
Aeschbach Hans
Der feine Schweizer Salami

Year: 1952
Condition: A-
CHF 880,-
Aeschbach Hans

Year: 1945
Condition: B+
CHF 580,-
Aeschbach Hans
Stadttheater Zürich

Year: 1948
Condition: A
CHF 380,-
Aeschbach Hans
Lenzbourg - Hero
Petits Pois des Gourmets
Für Feinschmecker

Year: 1956
Condition: A
CHF 380,-
Aeschbach Hans
Meisterwerke aus Oesterreich
Kunstgewerbemuseum Zürich

Year: 1946
Condition: A
CHF 480,-
Aeschbach Hans

Year: 1959
Condition: A
CHF 450,-
Aeschbach Hans
Schweizer Berge

Year: 1951
Condition: A
CHF 800,-
Aeschbach Hans
Schweizer Modewoche Zürich

Year: 1942
Condition: A-
CHF 550,-
Aeschbach Hans
Schweizer Modewoche Zürich
Kongresshaus Zürich

Year: 1943
Condition: A
CHF 580,-
Aeschbach Hans
Steinfels Floris

Year: 1946
Condition: A
CHF 390,-
Aeschbach Hans
Steinfels Floris

Year: 1946
Condition: A
CHF 390,-

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