Poster Shop

Main categories >> Goods and department stores >> Capet and Carpet goods
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(click for details)
Baumberger Otto - Forster 297364
Baumberger Otto
Teppichhaus Zürich

Year: 1927
Condition: A-
Sell Price
CHF 490,-
Birkhäuser Peter - Matzinger Teppiche 199463
Birkhäuser Peter
Matzinger Teppiche

Year: 1935
Condition: B+
Sell Price
CHF 320,-
Fässler Franz - Karl Ragaz 114454
Fässler Franz
Karl Ragaz
Ich war Teppichhändler in Persien

Year: 1950
Condition: A
Sell Price
CHF 490,-
Gauchat Pierre - 150 Jahre 297440
Gauchat Pierre
150 Jahre
Schuster Teppiche

Year: 1945
Condition: A
Sell Price
CHF 1300,-
Keller Ernst - Sardinische Teppiche 110635
Keller Ernst
Sardinische Teppiche
Kunstgewerbemuseum Zürich

Year: 1938
Condition: B/aJ
Sell Price
CHF 390,-
Mangold Burkhard - Teppichhaus 396144
Mangold Burkhard
Forster & Co.

Year: 1911
Condition: A
Sell Price
CHF 1700,-
Piatti Celestino - Meyer-Müller 014026
Piatti Celestino
Teppiche aus dem Orient

Year: 1970
Condition: A
Sell Price
CHF 580,-
Stoecklin Niklaus - Matzinger 396166
Stoecklin Niklaus

Year: 1922
Condition: B/aJ
Sell Price
CHF 1800,-
Stoecklin Niklaus - Sandreuter & Co. Basel 208013
Stoecklin Niklaus
Sandreuter & Co. Basel
Teppiche - Stoffe

Year: 1924
Condition: A-
Sell Price
CHF 780,-
Trapp Willi - Teppiche von Hettinger 216078
Trapp Willi
Teppiche von Hettinger

Year: 1937
Condition: B+
Sell Price
CHF 280,-
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