Poster | Description (click for details) |
Starting bid | Result |
218001 Grognet J. Grand Prix de Monaco Year: 1988 Condition: A |
Limit price CHF 80,- |
not sell | |
218002 Anonym Grand Prix de Monaco Year: 2000 Condition: A |
Limit price CHF 80,- |
view Shop | |
218003 de Clerfayt Luc Grand Prix de Monaco Year: 1995 Condition: A |
Limit price CHF 80,- |
view Shop | |
218004 Anonym Grand Prix de Monaco Year: 1997 Condition: A |
Limit price CHF 80,- |
view Shop | |
218005 Anonym Grand Prix de Monaco Year: 1999 Condition: A |
Limit price CHF 80,- |
view Shop | |
218006 Anonym Illawarra South Coast - New South Wales Year: 1987 Condition: A- |
Limit price CHF 80,- |
not sell | |
218007 Weber Johannes + Balzer Peter Bodensee und Rhein Year: 1896 Condition: B/aJ |
Limit price CHF 180,- |
Auction price CHF 257,- |
218008 Robaudy Hôtel Beau-Rivage Nice - au Centre de la Ville Year: 1925 Condition: B+ |
Limit price CHF 180,- |
Auction price CHF 280,- |
218009 Müller Jacomo Leysin Traitement de la Tuberculose Year: 1934 Condition: C/aJ |
Limit price CHF 240,- |
not sell | |
218010 Diggelmann Alex Walter Interlaken Der ideale Ferienort für Frühling, Sommer und Herbst Year: 1951 Condition: A- |
Limit price CHF 240,- |
Auction price CHF 330,- |
218011 Lortean Gerhard (Foto) Leukerbad Loèche-les-Bains - Gemmi Year: 1975 Condition: A |
Limit price CHF 120,- |
Auction price CHF 181,- |
218012 de Coulon Eric Neuchâtel Golf - Plage - Montagne Year: 1931 Condition: B/aJ |
Limit price CHF 180,- |
Auction price CHF 280,- |
218013 Graf Hubert / Laurents Gene Swissair World's Greatest Ski Lift Year: 1966 Condition: A |
Limit price CHF 180,- |
Auction price CHF 256,- |
218014 Häfelfinger Eugen ohne Worte (Swissair) Year: 1937 Condition: A |
Limit price CHF 180,- |
Auction price CHF 380,- |
218015 Wetli Hugo Swissair Seven Seas The Greatest Ski-lift in the World Year: 1957 Condition: A |
Limit price CHF 180,- |
Auction price CHF 220,- |
218016 Keiser Ernst See beautiful Basle on the Rhine Year: 1947 Condition: A |
Limit price CHF 140,- |
not sell | |
218017 Wolgensinger Michael (Photo) Arosa Year: 1952 Condition: B/aJ |
Limit price CHF 140,- |
not sell | |
218018 Hausamann + Brun Arosa Year: 1969 Condition: B/aJ |
Limit price CHF 120,- |
not sell | |
218019 Peikert Martin Sonniges Adelboden Year: 1933 Condition: B/aJ |
Limit price CHF 240,- |
Auction price CHF 326,- |
218020 Saratz C.B. Pontresina Year: 1933 Condition: B/aJ |
Limit price CHF 550,- |
not sell |