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Poster Description
(click for details)
Starting bid Result
Grüninger Heinrich - Tuch AG 105001
Grüninger Heinrich
Tuch AG

Year: 1953
Condition: B+
Limit price
CHF 120,-
view Shop
Rolly Hanspeter - Tuch AG 105002
Rolly Hanspeter
Tuch AG

Year: 1959
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 140,-
view Shop
Brun Donald - Tuch AG 105003
Brun Donald
Tuch AG

Year: 1954
Condition: A-
Limit price
CHF 120,-
Auction price
CHF 144,-

another exemplar view Shop
Borer Albert - Brunex 105004
Borer Albert

Year: 1960
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 140,-
view Shop
Farner Rudolf Werbeagentur - PKZ 105005
Farner Rudolf Werbeagentur

Year: 1968
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 120,-
Auction price
CHF 144,-

another exemplar view Shop
Anonym - Lutteurs 105006

Year: 1960
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 120,-
view Shop
Borer Albert - Zig-Zag 105007
Borer Albert

Year: 1955
Condition: A-
Limit price
CHF 140,-
view Shop
Müller Johann Emil - Schaffhauser Wolle 105008
Müller Johann Emil
Schaffhauser Wolle

Year: 1941
Condition: A-
Limit price
CHF 140,-
Auction price
CHF 240,-
Brun Donald - Bally 105009
Brun Donald

Year: 1965
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 120,-
Auction price
CHF 0,-
Campbell Marcus - Lahco 105010
Campbell Marcus

Year: 1954
Condition: B+
Limit price
CHF 140,-
not sell
Farner Publicis - Dim Strümpfe 105011
Farner Publicis
Dim Strümpfe

Year: 1988
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 140,-
Auction price
CHF 288,-
DDB Werbeagentur - Bally 105012
DDB Werbeagentur
Der Schritt zur Mode

Year: 1985
Condition: B+
Limit price
CHF 80,-
view Shop
Laubi Hugo - PKZ Tanzanzug 105013
Laubi Hugo
PKZ Tanzanzug

Year: 1923
Condition: B
Limit price
CHF 900,-
view Shop
DDB Werbeagentur - Bally 105014
DDB Werbeagentur
Der Schritt zur Mode

Year: 1984
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 80,-
Auction price
CHF 96,-

another exemplar view Shop
Jeker Werner - Bon Génie 105015
Jeker Werner
Bon Génie

Year: 1986
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 80,-
Auction price
CHF 96,-

another exemplar view Shop
DDB Werbeagentur - Bally 105016
DDB Werbeagentur

Year: 1984
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 80,-
not sell
Eberli Werner - Tuchfabrik Truns 105017
Eberli Werner
Tuchfabrik Truns

Year: 1934
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 140,-
not sell
Schüpbach Jean Pierre - Schaffhauser Wolle 105018
Schüpbach Jean Pierre
Schaffhauser Wolle

Year: 1941
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 180,-
not sell
DDB Werbeagentur - Bally 105019
DDB Werbeagentur

Year: 1984
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 80,-
Auction price
CHF 96,-

another exemplar view Shop
Grüninger Reklame - Dralon 105020
Grüninger Reklame

Year: 1960
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 120,-
not sell

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