Our update from March 2023
We are happy to inform you in this store about the latest changes and additions in our update of March 23. This is constantly updated, which means that already sold posters are no longer offered and shown in this listing. So, in contrast to the Flipbook, only the current, available offer will be shown to you here.
Poster |
Price |
Order | |
015083 Diggelmann Alex W. Champoinnats du monde Zürich / Lugano Year: 1953 Condition: A |
Price CHF 880,- |
015040 Eidenbenz Hermann Bâle Year: 1937 Condition: A |
Price CHF 340,- |
015050 Falk Hans Sole al Sport in Svizzera Year: 1957 Condition: A |
Price CHF 1600,- |
015081 Galli Orio Festa della Vendemmia Lugano Year: 1988 Condition: A |
Price CHF 320,- |
015008 Giegel Philipp Suiza Oberland Bernés - Grindelwald First Year: 1961 Condition: A |
Price CHF 390,- |
015011 Giegel Philipp Suisse Valais Year: 1961 Condition: A |
Price CHF 390,- |
015024 Grieder (GGK) Basler Pferderennen Reiterstadion Schänzli Basel Year: 1973 Condition: A |
Price CHF 380,- |
015026 Hugentobler Iwan Edwin Concours Hippique Luzern Year: 1950 Condition: A |
Price CHF 480,- |
015029 Hugentobler Iwan Edwin Amriswil Ostermontag - Springkonkurrenzen Year: 1943 Condition: B |
Price CHF 780,- |
015030 Hugentobler Iwan Edwin Nationale Springkonkurrenzen St. Gallen Year: 1944 Condition: B |
Price CHF 580,- |