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Poster Description
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Starting bid Result
Koella Alfred - Urania Zürich 516061
Koella Alfred
Urania Zürich
Bier und Speiserestaurant

Year: 1951
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 160,-
view Shop
Bauer Heiner - Strassenbaugesetz Ja 516062
Bauer Heiner
Strassenbaugesetz Ja
Bahn frei für freie Bahn

Year: 1964
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 80,-
not sell
Lintas Werbeagentur - Parisiennes 516063
Lintas Werbeagentur

Year: 1972
Condition: A-
Limit price
CHF 140,-
view Shop
Hunziker Gerold - Bugatti 516064
Hunziker Gerold

Year: 1932
Condition: C/aJ
Limit price
CHF 450,-
Auction price
CHF 740,-
Anonym - Cycles Lorette 516065
Cycles Lorette
Velo Lorette

Year: 1920
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 140,-
Auction price
CHF 380,-
Anonym - Coupes de Paris 516066
Coupes de Paris
Automobiles & Motocylistes

Year: 1965
Condition: B/aJ
Limit price
CHF 120,-
not sell
Liska Hans - Mercedes-Benz 516067
Liska Hans
Grand Prix d'Europe

Year: 1954
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 180,-
Auction price
CHF 257,-
Marini Marino - Olympische Spiele München 516068
Marini Marino
Olympische Spiele München

Year: 1972
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 80,-
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Poliakoff Serge - Olympische Spiele München 516069
Poliakoff Serge
Olympische Spiele München

Year: 1972
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 80,-
view Shop
Liska Hans - Mercedes-Benz 516070
Liska Hans
Grand Prix de France

Year: 1954
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 180,-
Auction price
CHF 303,-
Peikert Martin - Globus 516071
Peikert Martin
Zürich - Löwenplatz

Year: 1925
Condition: C/aJ
Limit price
CHF 180,-
not sell
Lips Robert - Globus 516072
Lips Robert

Year: 1952
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 80,-
Auction price
CHF 256,-
Birkhäuser Peter - Globus - 516073
Birkhäuser Peter
Globus -
Wer rechnet, kauft im Globus

Year: 1942
Condition: A-
Limit price
CHF 180,-
Auction price
CHF 305,-
Leupin Herbert - Globus - 516074
Leupin Herbert
Globus -
Jedem sein Oster-Geschenk vom Globus

Year: 1944
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 140,-
Auction price
CHF 211,-
Anonym - Globus - 516075
Globus -
Die freundliche Verkäuferin im Globus

Year: 1942
Condition: B+
Limit price
CHF 180,-
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Anonym  - Winkler 516076
L’Élixir ferrugineux

Year: 1930
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 370,-
not sell
Anonym - Balma-Kleie 516077

Year: 1940
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 60,-
not sell
Hohlwein Ludwig - Erichbrauerei 516078
Hohlwein Ludwig

Year: 1925
Condition: A
Limit price
CHF 120,-
view Shop
Anonym - Lyžarské školy 516079
Lyžarské školy

Year: 1950
Condition: A/aJ
Limit price
CHF 140,-
view Shop
Rosteutscher Erich Emmo - E. Merkle 516080
Rosteutscher Erich Emmo
E. Merkle
Spielwaren Korbwaren Bürstenwaren

Year: 1920
Condition: B/aJ
Limit price
CHF 120,-
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